Est: 1907

Keystone began as a large chunk of land owned by a handful of different land owners. Eventually individual tracts were sold including William Paxton Jr’s large piece covering the center of present day Keystone. In the 1960’s many new homes began to pop up. In 1969 the Keystone Community Task Force was established. The reason the term Task Force was used is that the group did exactly that, work on various tasks for the growing neighborhood.

You can read a book about the History of Keystone:
Keystone: How It Came to Be

Through the years the KCTF has led many initiatives that have benefited the neighborhood. The KCTF meets 10 months out of the year to discuss various topics. Whether it’s planning an event such as the Haunt at the Pool, various contests, or working on projects to keep Keystone feeling like the wonderful community that it is. The KCTF sends out a quarterly newsletter with all the latest info about happenings in the neighborhood. The KCTF is a volunteer grouping of Keystone residents. All Keystone residents are members at no cost.

An aerial shot from 1961 of North Keystone