Adams School

3420 N. 78th St.
Omaha, NE 68134

Adams School (Named for both President Adams) was built in 1925. It’s been remodeled and added onto a few times. The original building was burnt by a fire. Adams has a unique connection to Keystone. William Paxton Jr’s house was on the grounds. The old house was near the northern part of the grounds.

Adams is a strong part of the southern section of Keystone with strong community involvement.

The photo on the left shows an aerial shot of Adams as well as the former Paxton home. On the left you can see what was his old horse track. Later, the track would become a pretty well know loop in Keystone.

Boyd School

8314 Boyd St
Omaha, NE 68134

Boyd is a wonderful landmark in Keystone. Sitting on a hillside that overlooks NC Omaha. Boyd is the first school that OPS built with anticipation of homes being built around it. In 2019 Boyd went from a lopsided U-shaped building to a complete circle as the school was renovated and extended to connect the wings.

Named for the famous Omaha resident who owned the famous Boyd Theater, it was built in 1961. Esther Pilster was the first principal. She was a major part of how the Keystone community grew. She has a park named in her honor down the street from Boyd.

Copyright Chuck Day

The view from Boyd’s upper parking lot with a great view of West Omaha.